Wednesday, June 8, 2016


a younger Miss Snow tormenting our chickens while a cat looks on.

Alex and I have been discussing at length whether or not to start blogging as we're both home with little kids all day and would love some kind of creative outlet. And while this seems all very 2009 of us, I think we are still going to give it a go.

I've been stymied by wanting to be too professional about it, and wanting to go with some kind of super fancy, slick layout, with a legit domain. The whole shebang. But I just impulsively decided that we could just go old school and free with it and try out blogger just to get ourselves started. So here it is, the silly first post that I'm trying to type out madly as Snow terrorizes our backyard chickens (yes, we're THOSE kind of Oaklanders, backyard chicken gentrifiers).

I'll type up an about me page next, and get Alex more on board (she's expressed interest but we both stalled out with the title. Then it just hit me: why don't we use our names? Duh. Such a simple solution, and has the added benefit of being original, since apparently we're the rare
sister set named Elizabeth and Alexandra (which is actually surprising to me). We have another sister named Catherine, but she has a "real" job, i.e., one that pays real money and allows her to leave the house alone for hours during the day.

Welcome to our little blogging experiment! Hope you enjoy the journey with us.

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